Monday, March 29, 2010

Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment

People are trying to find alternative mesothelioma treatment due to the complex nature and deadliness of mesothelioma. Not only patients, but researchers and doctors to figure out new ways to treat mesothelioma. 'Alternative' refers to the use of different methods from the traditionally accepted. Most alternative mesothelioma treatments are not scientifically approved but have found some treatments in order to discharge for patients andsome others found no benefit. Intraoperative Photodynamic Therapy (IPT), Immunoaugmentative therapy (IAT) and gene therapy are just some of the important alternative mesothelioma treatments in modern medicine.

Alternative treatments attack the mesothelioma cancer very aggressively, with few or no side effects. It works by training the patient's immune system recognize and destroy the tumor tissue. The method is based on cancer vaccines for the promotion of the patientImmune system to destroy tumor cells. Immunoaugmentative therapy (IAT), work by strengthening and balancing four different proteins found in blood. Given special medication to kill the cancer cells in intraoperative photodynamic therapy (IPT) for sale. The drug makes cancer sensitive to light. A few days before the surgery, it is injected into a vein. A special light is used to detect the cancer during surgery. IPT is generally used in the early stages of mesothelioma in the chest.Mutilated causing genes, mesothelioma, are either replaced or removed in gene therapy. This treatment is in its infancy stage, but is a promising treatment.

Some types of alternative treatments have practiced for generations, but do not have any scientific backup. Homeopathy is used as a different system. An example of a homeopathic treatment in mesothelioma is the use of Iscador of mistletoe. Iscador is a herbal medicine used to strengthen the body's own immune system.Special dietary therapy, which is rich in vitamins and minerals, and metabolic therapy are other types of alternative treatment. Cow or shark cartilage is used as a dietary supplement in some treatments. Essiac is an herb used in addition. Bach Flowers in aromatic treatment. Other examples of faith healing alternative medicine, vitamins, herbs, and supplements in your local pharmacy sold.

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