Monday, April 12, 2010

Ground Zero workers within the reach settlement - New Tang Dynasty Television

A New York judge says he can his first decision as early as next week, the approval of a settlement worth up to $ 657.5 million for those in the rubble of the World Trade Center after the attacks of 11 September 2001 issue worked. The settlement is made in response to a complaint against the New York City and its contractors by thousands of firefighters, police and others who were at "Ground Zero" contravenes this rescue and cleanup. U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein said he would listen toTestimony next week from some of those who first responded to the attacks. Among the first responders at the hearing on Friday was medical response workers, Avelino Montalva. [Avelino, Montalva injured, Worker]: "Six months later I was diagnosed with asthma, PTSD, and over the years of the upper respiratory tract and mesothelioma. Everyday I suffer. I'm on 17 medications. I'm on disability." The settlement is a state-funded health insurance in 2004 founded created with a 1 billion dollarGrant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The plaintiff lawyer said he was confident he would be the participation of 95% of the applicants, which is necessary for an agreement, have. Applicant has 90 days to decide whether to participate. Attorney Marc Bern. [Mark Bern, attorney for the plaintiff]: "The settlement is a compromise of all disputes for all of the plaintiffs and defendants in the case. There is judicial economy. It represents what is fair and just as a result ofwhat the ...

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