Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mesothelioma Symptoms and signs

The symptoms and signs of mesothelioma are often confused with other diseases, since they are very general and nonspecific. For this reason, along with his aggressive nature, mesothelioma often leads to a very bleak prognosis. If you have any of these symptoms, consult your doctor.

Pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma are the two most common forms of cancer. Peritoneal mesothelioma point out that cancer has startedgrow in the lining of the abdominal organs and cavity. Pleural Mesothelioma is a cancer that grows in the lining of the lungs and chest. These two types of mesothelioma are very different and therefore their symptoms and signs are also unique.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is the least common form. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss, constipation of the colon, problems with blood clotting, fever, and moderate to severe pain in the abdominal areaRange.

The more common symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include weight loss, coughing, fever, inability to temperature, pain in the chest control and difficulty breathing. The symptoms of both types of mesothelioma are very common, it is important to control it, whether you are at risk.

There are a few different ways in which your doctor can decide whether you are actually afflicted with mesothelioma, growing more frequent. After presenting him / her with yourSymptoms and signs, your doctor may prescribe any number of tests, including CT, X-rays or an MRI. A CAT scan is basically an advanced form of Computer Aided X-Ray, that a doctor can look at the "internal organs of the patient. A magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, a doctor will be able to any abnormalities in the affected to see the field. Often, these three methods are used in tandem for the clearest picture.

If your doctor detect a tumor or othersuspicious growth using the above imaging technologies, he / she wants to carry out a biopsy. There are different types of biopsies, as well. They range from removing the non-invasive method to obtain a small amount of fluid from the growth with a small needle, a small surgery, a substantial part of growth.

Because mesothelioma is such an aggressive cancer, it is of utmost importance that you consult a doctor if any of the symptoms and signs are present.While the majority of the symptoms turn out to be something very much in nature as benign mesothelioma it would be unwise to chance. To beat your chances of mesothelioma increases dramatically when detected early.

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