Friday, January 29, 2010

The course of the disease mesothelioma

People who are exposed to asbestos in their line of work an increased risk of mesothelioma disease, although the symptoms for at least twenty years or more after their feeling, 'said the exposure will be. Their families may also have been associated with an increased risk of developing the disease because they inhale the fibers that have clung to the clothing and hair from their spouses who are directly exposed to these materials in their workplace. The men are often affected by theDisease more than women and usually occurs in the later years of life at the age of 65 years or older.

The disease may be related to symptoms of cough, shortness of breath and chest pain. These symptoms mean the development of pleural disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, which promote the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity. It could also affect the lining of the heart and cause symptoms of pericarditis. When it comes to the peritonealCavity, weight loss, abdominal pain and ascitis or accumulation of fluid in the abdomen are the most common complaints. If the disease is widely spread throughout the body, it could cause difficulty swallowing, and pain and swelling of the face or neck area.

Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the disease, many aspects of the disease, such as the location of the cancer or tumor if the stadium has been diagnosed, while the patient's age and the presence of otherDiseases. Treatment is with chemotherapy or radiotherapy or a combination of both, that has shown a better response from patients, although toxicity level is also higher. Surgery could be performed on the tumor removed, although at this stage there are no studies on the effect on disease free survival of patients. At this time there is no surefire way to stop the progress of the disease as soon as they enter the late stage. The health of the patient eventuallydeteriorated and he was to succumb to the disease.

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