Sunday, May 2, 2010

How women can Protect from lung cancer

It is not a known fact, however, more women die from lung cancer per year than any other form of cancer. Because of their smaller lungs, women are twice as likely to contract the disease than men are. Here are a few things you can do, but your risk of lung cancer diagnosed less.

Eat pistachios. Pistachios contain a form of vitamin E, protect and accelerate the healing of the lung tissue contributes. As a side, pistachios contain a wealth ofAppetite-depressant essential fatty acids and minerals.

Drink apple cider. As we all know, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. By eating an apple a day may cause damage to reduce inflammation in your lung tissue. However, not most of us eat an apple a day because it takes so long that eat apple. As a substitute you can drink 8 oz daily instead of cider. Apple vinegar is better than apple juice, since Apple skins are used when making cider, butif not make apple juice. The apple skins contain, lung protective flavonoids.

Take aspirin. Even if you smoke a recent study at the University of Washington shows that, in four regular-strength aspirin a week can reduce your% risk of lung cancer at 41st Aspirin works by slowing blood flow to the abnormal cells, starving them the nutrients they need for survival. But before the start of aspirin therapy, be sure and check with your doctor, as there are on this pageImpact on the regular use of aspirin.

Eat salsa. In addition to tasting good, salsa contains an antioxidant that penetrates quickly into the lung tissue and shields from air pollutants. According to researchers at Yale, this can be the risk of lung cancer by 28% lower. Other cooked tomatoes are also great sources of this antioxidant.

Drink green tea. Green tea is with compounds, anti-cancer properties have loaded the strong. A studyconducted in Asia found that to suffer through at least sip a cup of green tea a day, you five times less likely to lung cancer than people who do not drink green tea to develop.

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