Saturday, December 4, 2010

Asbestos Lung Mesothelioma

Asbestos Lung Cancer Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer of the lungs to develop in a special oil to cells that form a supporting sac. It can develop between 10 and 60 years, but usually averages from 30 to 50 years before the victims noticed enough symptoms to see a doctor.

Despite its name, it is not actually lung cancer than lung tissue is not the primary site of malignancy. Instead, it is the supporting tissue around the lung that is cancerous. This tissuearound the lung to approximately 75% of diagnosed cases, but similar tissue to other organs may be primary sites of cancer initiation.

Currently, there are 2:00 to 3:00 thousand new cases are diagnosed in the United States each year (U.S. National Cancer Institute, 2002).

This state accounts for about 75% of cases of cancer caused by asbestos exposure.

Asbestos is a deposit with the quality of insulation. It was usedextensively throughout the world in the last century in the military, construction and consumer goods, until it banned for carcinogenic effect. You can be exposed in the community, the workplace, in schools, at home or on the clothing of others who have been suspended. It is likely that most people were at some point in their lives.

This mineral composition creates a quality that is very brittle. It breaks into pieces and then breaks down easily.This allows microscopic particles suspended in the air, where they will grow undetected for long periods.

You may know these mineral particles without inhaling it. The microscopic particles travel through the lungs, the alveolar air sacs, and at the end to support lung tissue. They are impossible to remove, so the mineral particles remain there for life. You can slowly cause malignant cancer.

This condition is currently incurable. Normally,are very few symptoms until the later stages, when the cancer has metastasized. After diagnosis, the survival time on average between one and two years.

Early detection offers great advantages. It is always recommended that people who they suspect may have had some environmental exposure, where a doctor with special training, monitor their condition as soon as possible.

The treatment, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.

After decades of experience, medical Research now focuses on slowing or stopping the progression of this cancer. By learning are all biochemical pathways in the initiation, development and dissemination of cancer involved, the researchers hope that they change to ways in which cancer develops to find.

As asbestos lung mesothelioma can take decades to develop state to the deadly malignant, there is hope that the search more early intervention to enable people to live normal. Researchers explore> New therapies, including natural substances, the laboratory findings showed positive for cancer prevention.

For more information on the progress in medical research in this area, see mesothelioma. Html

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