Pleural mesothelioma is rare. That's what the leaders would have you think. If mesothelioma is so rare as you think, more than 2000-3000 patients are newly diagnosed each year?
The fact is pleural mesothelioma to asbestos is a rare form of cancer, the appearance of a symptomatic 30-50 years after exposure. You see the only way to contract mesothelioma, is by asbestos exposure. Before 1980 there were no laws to protect workers from asbestos exposure at work, but once it was clear that people work in an environment of exposure to asbestos being diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma exposure were 30-50 years after they began to change laws.
Imagine you work for 30 years in an industry, and when you near retirement age, you or your loved ones contracts pleural mesothelioma.
What is mesothelioma
Pleural> Mesothelioma cancer is a malignant form of cancer, heart found in the sac lining of the abdominal cavity or around the lining of the. It is a fast and deadly cancers develop as soon as the symptoms he shares a quick and complications are created within a year. The survival rate is zero and the life expectancy when the mesothelioma cancer develops, it is hardly two to three years if you're lucky.
Asbestos exposure and pleural mesothelioma
80%all mesothelioma cases are for workers in the asbestos industry. The disease is more common in men aged between 50 and 70 and is instructed by the occupational hazard.
Most laws were, but as yet not been completed to give protection for workers in the asbestos industry. People work in shipyards, mines, factories, etc., are viable in isolation to obtain even as pleural mesothelioma, as they were decades ago. Malignant pleural mesothelioma leads to death. TheFault lies with your employer. presents information to help you get the disease, its causes, effects and how to best deal with it. If you need further assistance or have questions, what you have seen so far, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
You May Take Action
Money is not everything. But if you or your loved ones have been diagnosed with mesothelioma exposure as a result of asbestos,consider legal action as you are entitled to financial compensation.
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