Friday, February 4, 2011

Companion Animals

Companion Animals How Animals Cope help mesothelioma patients in the 1800s, Florence Nightingale wrote that a pet "is often an excellent companion for the sick." Today, researchers and doctors agree that animals play an important role in comforting people suffering from stress or a severe disease affecting play as mesothelioma. A number of studies over the past 25 years, concentrating on the healthy benefits of pets: Visits with a therapy dog helped heart and lung functionby lowering blood pressure, diminishing release of harmful hormones and decreasing anxiety in hospitalized patients with heart failure. Animal-assisted therapy, the loneliness of patients in long-term care facilities. In a study of 100 Medicare patients, seniors, dogs had 21% fewer doctor visits than those who did not. Average drug costs per patient per day fell 68.9% in the new nursing homes that animals and plants as part of the environment. Researchers atSloan-Kettering Cancer Center Memorial in New York found that had pets, especially dogs and cats, a positive effect on adult supervisor during the care of a spouse who had cancer. A clinical observation of nursing care on the therapeutic value of animals for patients with Alzheimer's disease suggests that pets relieve loneliness and emotional isolation and communication, social interaction and sensory stimulation. Animal-Assisted Therapy (ATT) is often chronic or incurable...

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