Sunday, March 27, 2011

Death Vessel: Co $ Freewinds Blue Asbestos first May 2008. By Jane Mundy Curacao, Netherlands Antilles:: Perhaps now that senior members of the Church of Scientology Tom Cruise and including May have been exposed to asbestos, then an all-out ban on this human carcinogen in the U.S. are too short. But it can also mean that thousands more people potentially develop mesothelioma ... In September 1986, MS Boheme San Donato Properties Corporation, Panama sold. (Majestic Cruise Line) for $ 10,000,000. Renamedthis ship Freewinds and Majestic Cruise Lines operated it for the Church of $ cientology, the Church massive cruise ship and floating top secret training compound, has been sealed by Caribbean authorities have been. Its captain allegedly hid the presence of cancer-causing blue asbestos in the ventilation system, even as workers at a dry dock company refurbished the 40-year-old ... See the interview with the architect Lawrence Woodcraft in new home Mark Bunker's

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