obviously someone thinks people will be more willing to buy the 116 apartments or stay in the new hotel or work in one of the many new industrial units to be built on this site, whether it is a fancy new sign they are Farnworth wecoming Historic village a completely new property called Chadwick Park, I do not know where it came from. This property thats on a former factory that produced asbestos products from 1916 until the 1990s, a site where there is little or no builtRegulations to control the dumping of asbestos dust and materials until the 1950s, a place where many things were not based on the methodology and material management plans that the Council agreed with the contractors, and repeatedly testified after doing their chronology of the work and to all that the Marley / Eternit factory continues to produce tiles and other goods directly in the middle of the site, day and night. You trymake a silk purse out of A SOWS EAR so to speak. I was wondering what you people out there are listening to our communities position to think.
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