Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lung Cancer Treatment Explored

Lung cancer is currently the leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women. Although still declining in men, incidence remains stable in women, after a rise in the 1990s. Trends in lung cancer-related deaths are mainly due to trends in smoking in recent decades. In 2008, the American Cancer Society estimates 215,020 new cases diagnosed and 161,870 deaths from lung cancer occur in the U.S.But ...

Traditional treatment of lung cancer are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapies, to the photodtnamic therapy.

Your treatment will be, what kind of cancer you have and what stage your cancer is dependent on (how serious it is).

In the case of an operation ... There are many types of surgery for lung cancer, such as pneumonectomy (where one whole lung is removed), lobectomy (where a section of "flap" of the lung is removed), a segmentectomy / wedgeResection (where a portion of a lobe is removed), laser surgery (where a high-energy beam of light to kill cancer cells) in a tumor.

In radiotherapy ... This therapy uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. Radiation may come from a machine that uses high energy rays to your cancer, or by a small radioactive pellet that is implanted into or near the tumor steers are delivered.

Chemotherapy ... ie, the anti-cancer drugs, either bybe swallowed or by injection. One or more chemotherapeutic agents can be administered through a vein in your arm (intravenously taken) or orally. A combination of drugs usually in a series of treatments is given over a period of weeks or months, with breaks in between so that your body can recover.

In the case of targeted drug therapy ... these are newer cancer therapies that work for certain anomalies in cancer cells. Targeted therapy options for the treatment of lung cancerinclude ...

Bevacizumab (Avastin), which stops a tumor from the creation of a new blood supply. Blood vessels, the tumors can occur in combination with oxygen and nutrients delivered to the tumor, so that they grow. Bevacizumab is usually used in combination with chemotherapy and is approved for advanced and recurrent non-small cell lung cancer. Bevacizumab carries the risk of major bleeding.

Erlotinib (Tarceva), the chemicals that the cancer cells grow and divide signal blocked. Erlotinibnot approved for patients with advanced and recurrent non-small cell lung cancer, which is not helped by chemotherapy. Erlotinib cause side effects are rash and diarrhea.

Doctors are getting better on the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, the diseased lung cancer patients means a better chance of rehabilitation and live longer. Yet lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. It is for people with lung cancer important to know what to expect and plan for the future. It is alsoimportant to remember that not all cases of lung cancer are the same, and that the treatment or the prognosis for a patient with lung cancer can be very different than the next person with lung cancer.

Some people opt for alternative therapies such as lung cancer treatment instead of conventional treatments or medicine, because to understand when one begins to explain why cells are used primarily cancer, it makes sense to try to reverse this process.

For example, we all know, orshould know that a weakened immune system leads to cancer ... while a strong immune system seeks and destroys cancer cells. For most of in your life, the immune system will be successfully treated with cancer cells, they kill them, as they developed. That is his task. If you have developed cancer, your immune system needs to have worn, ineffective and not in a position with the cancer cells.

Thus it is important in your fight against cancer, strengthen the immune system. Especially whenYou will receive medical treatments that wipe out the immune system and make the body acidic to boot. Many natural supplements and proper nutrition supports the immune system. The other concern is, please take enough. Lung cancer is not something to pussyfoot around with.

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