Thursday, October 22, 2009

Silicosis - The Forgotten Cousin of Asbestosis and Mesothelioma

Silicosis, asbestosis and mesothelioma are all three occupational groups that cancer is preventable.

Silicosis is a disease of the airways by inhalation of silica dust, caused, which leads to inflammation and scarring of the lung tissue. Similar to mesothelioma and asbestosis, silicosis, have silently millions of industry health and death, before he was discovered and could be properly diagnosed.

The main cause of silicosis is a long-term exposureon silica. Silica is a common, naturally occurring crystals. It is in most rock beds and forms dust found in mining, tunneling, construction and work with many metal ores. Silica is a major component of sand, so glass makers, sand blasters, and construction workers also receive heavy exposure to silica.

Include risk factors for silicosis, but not with an activity that involves limited exposure to silica dust. Mining, stone and concrete cutting, building, road and buildingConstruction, work with abrasives manufacturing, sand blasting and many other occupations and hobbies involve exposure to silica.

Intense exposure to silica can cause silicosis symptoms or mature one year or less, but it usually takes at least 10 or 15 years after exposure before symptoms develop, most of silicosis on. Silicosis and asbestosis and mesothelioma increasingly rare as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) support, legal andRegulations require the use of protective equipment that are made available to employers that limit the amount of hazardous material of a worker's risk. Well, in most cases it is legal and lawful to protect the responsibility of the employer for you by providing personal protective equipment (PPE).

The three different types of silicosis include:

* Acute silicosis - results from short-term exposure to very large amounts of silica. The lungs of very inflamed and may fill with fluid,causing severe breathlessness and low blood oxygen levels.

* Accelerated silicosis - occurs after exposure to larger amounts of silica over a shorter period (5 to 15 years). Inflammation, scarring and symptoms progress faster in accelerated silicosis than in simple silicosis.

* Simple chronic silicosis) - Results of long-term exposure (more than 20 years, small amounts of quartz dust. Knots of chronic inflammation and scarring provoked the silica dust formthe lungs and chest lymph nodes. This disease may feature breathlessness and may resemble chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

If you feel that you are in an industry with a high risk of exposure to silica dust or other hazardous materials, you should take it upon you, any method necessary to protect themselves from exposure. It is important to health concerns that you have with your employer and your employer will discuss with the personalProtective equipment required by law to minimize your risk of dangerous materials such as silicon. It is legally your employer's responsibility to provide you with safety devices that protect you but it is ultimately responsible for protecting your health and the health of your family.

If your employer is lax, or refuses to provide for your safety it is important that your local, state or federal agency supervised contact to report safety and health legislation and complianceit right away. In most cases you can prevent anonymously report any negligence, isolated from and demoted or fired by your employer. Many times your employer will be forced to comply with the law by the highest authority, and to solve your problems. As an employer, I see the need to protect my staff at any price, because they are not only my most valuable assets that they are human beings with families, and earn just to live and work in the safest possible environment. If yourEmployers do not feel so, you should feel a little remorse when you report abuse to the proper authorities.

If you feel that you negligently on silica or other hazardous materials were released and are now experiencing, should public health issues from it, a competent lawyer or law firm immediately and discuss your situation with them. You can create a compensation due to negligence on your employer are entitled. There are lawyers and lawyers whoSpecialize in silicosis, mesothelioma, asbestosis, and a host of other diseases, occupational health.

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with mesothelioma