Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a cancer of the lining of the abdominal cavity. The peritoneum is a membranous layer of the parietal and visceral layers to protect the abdomen and abdominal organs. There are four categories that determine the stage of mesothelioma. Category one shows a solitary tumor that can be removed. The second indicates that the cancer into the peritoneal cavity. The third category expressed the invasion of other organssuch as colon and liver. The final shows complete penetration of cancer after external abdominal cavity.
When diagnosing peritoneal mesothelioma, it will be the usual physical examination and imaging tests such as X-ray and CT scan. Likewise, there is a need for fluid or tissue from the abdominal skin extract to check whether there is actually malicious. The results will show whether the mesothelioma is dry or wet. If the result of the test results in a dry-cancer, it meansthat there are several small localized mass or even a dominant mass. There will be small amount of ascites or not. Ascites refers to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. But if the cancer is wet type, it is the small nodules and ascites is obvious. In the latter case, the liquid is removed by aspiration.
There are two theories behind the supportive role of asbestos in the development of peritoneal mesothelioma. The first theoryprovides that if the asbestos fibers are absorbed by the body, they go through the digestive organs to the peritoneal membrane. The second theory says that if asbestos fibers deep in the lungs pull, they work their way to the peritoneal membrane through the lymphatic system. But regardless of the type of asbestos receive access to the peritoneal layer, the fibers insert into the membrane and gradually cause damage to the mesothelial cells of thePeritoneum.
There is no known cure for peritoneal mesothelioma. But specialists intraperitoneal chemotherapy, an innovative treatment that have better results are introduced as the normal operation mesothelioma. This is usually after debulking surgery, which did the removal of all tumors in the area includes. Nevertheless, the prognosis is not being good. However, for a possible long-term survival, patients must have a complete cytoreduction. It meansthat there is no peritoneal seeding and the nodules must be less than 2.5 centimeters. Otherwise, clinical studies for the palliative treatment to relieve the pain can be the alternative.
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